
Home Solutions

Web Designing & Development

Marketing Artistry is a trusted web designing and web development company which has made a successful presence since its establishment. We serve around 540 clients from 34+ countries. We have a team of Best web designers who are known for their creative mix, quality work & trending technology.

Digital Marketing

Marketing Artistry, loves this part of the work i.e. providing marketing solution to their clients. We do everything that acts as a tool of marketing and helps in achieving the marketing objectives of our client.

E-Commerce Development

Marketing Artistry is one of the best e-commerce solution providers in India. We design e-commerce websites that are user- as well as Search-Engine friendly.  Our Design Rich Ecommerce websites Help to derive the best results with Amazing UI/UX.

Mobile app Development

We develop apps for almost all mobile platforms. Custom SDKs and APIs development Mobile apps are the mini software or code packages for mobile devices. Mobile apps are a revolution in today’s world.

There are many variations of passages available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form by injected humour or randomised words.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated servers are the way to go if your business needs powerful hosting to expand its web presence. These tested, recommended web hosts deliver the reliability that mission-critical websites demand.

The word ‘design’ has become synonymous with anything visual. But it’s much more than how things look. It’s a multi-disciplinary problem-solving approach that combines creativity, empathy, and rationality to meet your audience’s needs and impact your brand’s success.

SEO Services

Marketing Artistry, loves this part of the work i.e. providing marketing solutions to their clients. We do everything that acts as a tool of marketing and helps in achieving the marketing objectives of our clients. If we have to name what we offer, the following terms can define our services.

Now, add technology.

We take a technologically agnostic view when it comes to client projects. It’s about finding the right fit for your situation, not pushing a platform that we get a kickback on. If we need to bring in an expert to get a project done, we’ll tap our network and do the vetting before anything is outsourced.

Optimised by Machine Learning

AI Lab Smart City combines these core features and capabilities to create an ecosystem that is optimised by openness. With flexibility between vendors reducing the risks propriety solutions may present, the openness of platform means that opportunities are unlocked and freedom of choice enabled.


The Ki. ecosystem transmits and receives data securely via OTAA, using 128-bitsecurity keys. Supported by TALQ 2.0 and LoRaWAN Class C.


Interrogate various data sets securely, via a cloud based central repository. Analyse urban data based on unique smart city goals

Enabling Hardware

Better understand the measures to take in order to shape the behaviour and development of smart cities

Embrace Your Digital Transformation

Start your journey today